Alien Solved the Murder Case

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Absko lived in Duse, a remote village in Kenya.

One day he went to Mombasa City for shopping and refreshment with his friends. They returned home very late on the day. It was about 11:00 PM, but they didn’t realize it was almost midnight dark because of the street light on.

As they approach the village, darkness hovers around them. His friends were residing by the road, and they waved goodbye, good night to Absko, and left him alone. Now Absko had to make about a thirty-minute walk through the lonely road and dense forest.

As he walked through the forest, he heard loud dogs barking, jackals howling, bats squeaking, owls hissing. He didn’t know why everything was awkward that day. He heard through octogenarian that the forest had been repeatedly haunted. Many villagers were mysteriously being vanished there, and neither they returned nor their bodies recovered. He thought it was just a fantasy, just apocryphal, and didn’t notice it.

Now he was alone, remembered everything and was getting very scared. “Many villagers were lost here,” his brain was frequently telling him. As he walked deeper into the forest, he even imagined some loud screams. He was using his mobile torch to see the way. Suddenly he saw bloodstain spreading here and there. He got terrified but calmed himself down and saw around. He moved off the road, followed the bloodstains into the forest, and found a human hand. His heart beats loudly. He looked carefully, being terrified. He found more bloodstains afar. He searched for the torso and got it without the head. He used his torchlight to see the head and found three or more people eloping off; however, it was not so vivid.

He thought that they must be murderers. Suddenly he called villagers, and they gathered together there. Those octogenarians start repeating the same story. They started explaining this was due to the ghost of a young guy who attempted suicide upon the failure of his love.

“His departed soul is still circumnavigating the forest in search of his love,” one grandpa said.

But Absko replied that he saw three guys eloping when he approached there, and it was a brutal murder, and suggested that they would call the police. But the old guys disagreed with him. They further warned him that if he called the police, the ghost would not spare them. Most of the villagers disagreed with Absko and went back home.

Merely three or four youngsters dared to call the police. They stayed in the forest for nearly an hour until the police arrived. The police team collected all the body parts and evidence and sent them for the post mortem, and the preliminary investigation started. They inquired Absko and others. Nevertheless, none managed to cremate the beheaded body.

Police got surprised when they received the forensic report. It showed no fingerprint, any traces of weapon, no any culprit’s DNA, not even the hair of the culprits. It didn’t indicate the presence of any other persons there. The report said it is not a suicide nonetheless.

It is neither murder nor suicide, then what is it? Police again inquired Absko. He said he saw three or more guys were eloping away, but he couldn’t see their faces or any other mark as it was blind dark. The police team went to the crime zone and reinvestigated very minutely. They gathered every minute evidence from the crime zone. While collecting the evidence, a constable found many dead leeches near the bloodstains. He ignored it for the first time; however, he sensed some unusual activity.

“How come such a large number of leeches died? It can’t be natural !” The constable told the police inspector. The inspector told him to collect them in the evidence bag and send them to the forensic lab. He saw the footprint a little away from the crime zone, and he found it very bizarre.

The footprint showed seven figures. The forensic report of all these showed that the blood found inside the leech didn’t match the human blood. The DNA found in the blood matches neither the human nor any animal. The blood group was also bizarre; it was none of the blood groups A, B, AB, O . It was different blood. It is void of RBC, WBC, and even platelets.

The forensic have concluded that it must be alien activity. Otherwise, we could get some evidence of the presence of humans or animals.

“If so, we must catch such criminal alien,” the police inspector told.

They made a plan to catch the alien. Small troops of police were allocated to wait for the alien throughout the night. But they waited for six days, and nothing suspicious happened.

At midnight of the seventh day, they spotted five mighty creatures afar. They stay silent and in the dark. The eyes of the creatures were glittering like a powerful torchlight. Their entire body was visible even at night. All the animals, even the king of the forest, the lion, eloped off them. A micro-earthquake passed off when they put their feet with a thud on the ground. The ground shivered. The troops confirmed that they couldn’t control and capture them. The guns seemed very small in front of them. More troops joined the force.

They moved carefully, aiming the nozzle of the gun towards the alien. But they stayed calm and didn’t attack the troops. Four of the five aliens escaped, but they caught one.

The alien was taken to the prison. During interrogation, he said that they were the space pirates and interplanetary robbers. When they attempted to rob in a far-off planet Furate, the Furatean attacked them with highly sophisticated weapons, and the Furatean craft chased the pirates for a long distance, so they hid there in the thick forest. They landed deep inside the woods, and during swift landing, the spacecraft damaged a bit, that they had called their friends and that they were moving here and there in the forest waiting for their friends.

“Why you murder the man?” The police officer asked.

“I didn’t murder him. Instead, I tried to save him and fought with the culprit. During the fighting, I was injured, and I lost lots of blood. If you don’t trust me, then see this injury,” the alien replied. He showed his wound.

Now, police understood the cause behind the dead leeches. Those leeches sucked that alien blood thinking human, and they died.

“Do you have any proof or witness ?” Police inquired.

The alien said he was the proof himself and that he could show him. He made his eyes wide open, and the wall became bright, and the visuals of the murder day started playing on the wall. His eyes themselves performed like a projector. Everything came unfolded. The murderer’s face was recognized. He was their neighbor. All the villagers were bewildered that they were staying with a homicide neighbor and a psycho killer.

During interrogation, the culprit said that he is always thirsty for human blood, and he liked human flesh and blood from his childhood. He added further that after the murder, he enjoyed the corpse’s flesh and cleared all the evidence. This time, he was doing so when the alien encountered him red-handed, attacking the alien.

Police concluded that he was a psychopath and sent him to a mental correctional camp. All the villagers thanked Absko and his friends. They breathed a sigh of relief.

“Now the village became safe and peaceful again,” villagers were saying.

The alien was freed and allowed to join with his friends. The next day their spaceship arrived there. Before leaving Earth, they promised not to involve themselves in any criminal activity. All the people waved goodbye and left for home.

People these days in Duse walk alone and without terror, even at midnight. The murders, abduction, and stories of vanishing people all became a nightmare and remained a story.

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Niraj pokhrel
Niraj pokhrel
2 years ago

Such a chilling story

2 years ago
Reply to  Niraj pokhrel

Thank you so much

2 years ago

Great view

2 years ago
Reply to  Gopal

Thank you

2 years ago

Felt the thrill and pleased with the alien’s solution.

2 years ago
Reply to  niroulacm

Thank you so much

Mausham Mahat
Mausham Mahat
2 years ago

Wow 🫣✨

2 years ago
Reply to  Mausham Mahat

Thank you

Ram Bardewa
Ram Bardewa
2 years ago

Great fiction

2 years ago
Reply to  Ram Bardewa

Thank you sir

Samir Shrestha
Samir Shrestha
2 years ago

❤️Love it

2 years ago
Reply to  Samir Shrestha

Thank you

Lochanananda Khatiwada
Lochanananda Khatiwada
2 years ago

Enjoyed every scenes of the story. Liked the way you have attached little things in the story.

2 years ago

Thank you sir

Durga Prasad Baral
Durga Prasad Baral
2 years ago

Great!! very nice fiction!! Amazing imagination dear writer…

2 years ago

Thank you sir for your continuous support

2 years ago

Loved it❤️

2 years ago
Reply to  Sambat

Thank you so much

Nabin Bhattarai
Nabin Bhattarai
1 year ago

What a thriller? Thanks aliens .The projection part was most enjoyable .

1 year ago

Thank you sir for your support