Teenagers’ Mental Health and Roles of Parents

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How many of our little adolescents/teenage brothers and sisters have been really asked about their desire? At least one time?

What do they want to achieve in their life?
As parents, have you ever noticed that what they want? Have you ever thought about how your one decision can impact your adolescent children’s, brothers’ and sisters’ mental health?

Above mentioned questions are the biggest unanswered questions about the adolescents’ desire and their parents’ roles to care for their children’s mental health.

Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood. Children entering adolescence are going through many changes: physical, intellectual, personality, social developmental, etc.

According to the World Health Organisation, “Adolescents are any person between 10 to 19 years old.” They want to be flying birds without cages to captive them. That’s why at that time, parents should care about their mental health and protect them from the enemy and encourage them to walk on the right path.

Teenagers at risk of mental health problems may also abuse substances, including alcohol, exacerbating depression or anxiety. According to the World Health Organization, mental health is “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his/her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and able to contribute to his or her community.”

Relationship problems, parental separation, the experience of traumatic events and other social or family stressors may also increase the risk for mental health problems. In adolescence, mental health disorders are a significant problem, relatively common, and amenable to treatment or intervention.

Obstetrician–gynecologists who see adolescent patients are highly likely to see adolescents and young women who have one or more mental health disorders. Some of these disorders may interfere with a patient’s ability to understand or articulate her health concerns and appropriately adhere to recommended treatment.

Some disorders or treatments will affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, causing anovulatory cycles and various menstrual disturbances. Mental health is influenced by factors like family history, childhood experiences, and people’s surroundings.

At least one in five youth aged 9–17 years currently has a diagnosable mental health disorder that causes some degree of impairment; one in 10 has a disorder that causes significant impairment.

The most common mental illnesses in adolescents are anxiety, mood, attention, and behavior disorders. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in young people aged 15–24 years. Conditions like depression and anxiety can be inherited. Treat their children like adolescents friendly and teach them how to cope with the stress.

Language like “We need to support you as you can do. You are talented and creative children, I believe you” matters a lot for adolescent kids. There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t. That’s why we need to care about our teenage children’s, brothers’, sisters’ mental health.

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