Suicide has been becoming global havoc in the last few decades, especially during the pandemic, the rate has accelerated.
In the olden days, adults and mature people used to take their lives. That was also a tragedy. In modern times, even children are not the exceptions which is a whole new catastrophe! Suicide is a compassionate issue. I don’t want to belittle the seriousness of it. But why do people have to take their life? Why don’t they see any way ahead and decide to terminate their precious life? I am delving into the reasons behind it. Still, I don’t have any definite answers.
There can be many outward reasons behind suicide like love tragedy, economic crisis, death of loved ones, and many more. Few things behind suicide are not so grave. For example, people are committing suicide because they failed the exams and failed to achieve good grades. This is happening because of social conditioning, especially in rural areas that without having great numbers on your mark sheet, you are not considered capable of doing anything in life.
This idea itself is shit! There’s no reality behind such social stigma. People can have excellent academic grades, but they may live miserably. People without formal education may create something great and do business out of it if they have envisioned goals in life. So what matters is your dream and sweat to make that vision into reality, not only high grades.
There are thousands of examples that people of visions without any formal schooling have significantly been successful in doing great things in the world.
We fail to teach our children such optimistic sides of life but unnecessarily force them to bring honors certificates home to show us. As a result, they think of ending their life when they fail in obtaining good grades, not knowing their true potentials. This is a regrettable situation that children full of life wants to end the life! Without putting our feet in other’s shoes, we never precisely know how they feel!
Suicides occur due to other causes, such as love tragedy, family finance, bullying, and many other social, family, and personal reasons. Still, whatever the triggering factors of it, we can mitigate them and prevent the valued lives of our kids.
Let’s take love tragedy, for example. Someone you love, someone dear to you, is no more of yours or is with another person. That gives a profoundly shattering pain. I know that it is hard to bear such a heartwrenching twinge! It will knock you down for sure. But one thing you got to remember when the heart is breaking is that the wounded soul-bearing heart is open for the new world to discover and heal yourself too! But if you terminate yourself, you will never get a second chance to make the first try to thrive out of tears and sorrows.
Rumi once wrote, “It is through the wounds that light enters you.” Meaning is not that to get the light, you need a wound instead of doors and windows. The implication is that if you are a hard nut, only the way to open you up to sprout is through breaking. There’s no other way. So, when the heart breaks and opens, you get new light and perspectives to live your dear life.
You got to trust the Universe’s plan for you and move on with a new understanding for a better life. You should not sit back and cry. When one door shuts, another opens! When there is a vacuum in the atmosphere, air comes and fills it up. It’s the law of nature. Hence, trust the rule of nature and live on happily.
Never give up. Never!
If it is a necessity, you will find a better person for sure. Even if you don’t find one, so what? Just move on! You will live with much clarity and wisdom. The Sun is alone; still it shines!
The crisis of family finance is also a very critical one. Having no answer to what you have gained through letting so much sweat frustrates us. Because you are known and counted by society based on what material success you have heaped up.
The transition from being rich to poor appallingly hurts one’s ego. All your money is lost. Is that everything you have? What about the whole life in your hands? Isn’t it a blessing? You are alive and healthy. If you were gone, there was no chance to build it back. But if you are alive, there is always a chance that you can rise again. It would be best if you never forgot that possibility. I know it’s not easy, as I say, but if you live, you will find the solution. If you are gone, it’s over!
There are some internal causes for suicide, like mental and somatic tribulations. People having chronic pathological disorders may want to end their life due to unbearable pain and suffering. Some have mental anomalies like depression which may turn them suicidal. They cannot help with it.
If we prevent them once, they may repeat such behaviors. They need love and proper treatment, which can bring them back to everyday life. Family help is required for such people like never before. Medical treatment along with rehabilitative therapies like physiotherapy and yogic therapies can help a lot for such people.
When children are committing suicide, as a society, we need to think something is fundamentally wrong in the social systems. Mainly, the incomplete education system and inadequate parenting are responsible for this, where nothing is taught about human potentials and ways to tap those possibilities. Just giving information and making children cram books that are of no interest to children only increases the burden in the child’s head. Parents want good grades, and schools do anything for that. Between the school’s pressure and parents’ expectations, our kids are badly sandwiched, and sometimes they poorly choose to crush themselves not to return to life again.
A child’s dreams, interests, potentials are wrecked. Along with the existing memorized academic achievements, Yog, meditation and practical education should be introduced in schools so that child’s hidden budding will find the fullest expression possible.
There are always a few dramatic people in families and in societies who often threaten to commit suicide if something doesn’t happen their way. They are mostly the people of a generation inspired by TV serials and movies. They take suicide as a weapon to make things happen for them. I want to tell them that this doesn’t always work. If you continue to do like that, one day, you will end your life in vain.
There is still another mild form of suicide that is going unnoticed in the world. Most humans are doing it, but it is not noticeable. This form of suicide takes lives slowly and by bit by bit. Slowly and gradually, people are cutting their happiness, aliveness, and joyfulness. If we make a chart of how we were alive and happy over the period, mostly we will get downfalling graphs of our happiness.
Why is this happening? People are in the pursuit of happiness instead of being happy in the journey. They have mortgaged their life to chase the achievement of material desires. It shows in their face. The face is becoming longer and grimmer with age. People ignore it because they see their companions all around. Most of the people are like this, and it feels like normal. It’s not normal. With the passage of age, our body may lose agility, but our aliveness need not go down. Our joyfulness and liveliness should multiply over time. That’s the true nature of humans!
In reality, nobody wants to die and commit suicide. If you observe an ant in trouble, you will see it will do anything and everything to save itself.
Humans being at the top in evolution, also want to live. There’s no doubt about it. There is evidence of people who survived the hanging with the rope. They said that they put the rope in their neck in rage or anger or despair at first, but when the rope locks their neck and suffocates them, there is deep remorse. At that moment, they realize that they don’t want to die.
Only a few people survive such suicides, but many die suffocating and knowing they didn’t want to die. Only momentary impulse leads them to commit such an act. If they think for a while, they will not do such a silly act.
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev once said that if you feel suicidal, close your mouth and nose for 1-2 minutes and see if you can die. The life within you will say, “Do the hell with your problems, I want to live.” So, just hold your breath and check!
Why would anyone on earth want to cut off their life by themselves? Some reasons might be related to the philosophies and dogmas that promise to make you eligible to dwell in heaven after death. The people who have made the hell out of themselves on earth want to go to heaven. There is no guarantee of such places. Who knows you will hover around being the ghosts and goblins?
The ancient seers say that in death, life leaves the body, but life doesn’t die. It just moves to another dimension of existence. The moment of death can be crucial to determine whether they will have a pleasant or horrific journey. If death happens in peace, that being will enjoy many folds of pleasantness in the further journey, and if death occurs in pain and misery, that being will suffer many folds in the afterlife passage. That pleasantness and despair are referred to as heaven and hell, respectively.
Consequently, suicide is not a pleasant way to die as it creates more suffering in the afterlife.
Whatever the arguments against suicide we make and efforts to prevent it we put and initiate, suicide will not wholly stop happening. Some people do it out of their helplessness and other collapsing circumstances that they take as. But we can mitigate its alarming rate of increase worldwide by creating more peaceful and joyful humans and inclusive social systems.
Things like yoga, meditation, sports, music, literature, travel, etc., can make a world of difference for this to happen. The foremost thing required for humans is awareness and blissfulness. If humans are blissful by their nature, nobody will want to end their life unnaturally. Death will happen for sure. We have to wait for it. This may sound too romantic for modern minds, but there is no other solution.
You may try to find tits and bits of remedies here and there. But ultimately, you will turn inward for a panacea. The ancient Rishis(saints) have said this millennium before, “In is the only way out!”

The writer is a published author of two books available in Amazon and is a spiritually inclined thinker and knowledge keeper.
Great job sir❤keep it up…
Thank you so much! dear
Keep going sir❤️Great❤️
Thank you so much dear!
Precious ❤️😊keep going sir
Thank you so much dear!
Loved it❤️Looking forward for more🤗
Thank you so much dear! I will write forward for sure!
Very impressive writing!
Thank you so much dear!
Impressive sir ! Keep working on such articles ❤️
Thank you so much dear! I will work for sure!
Keep going sir. ❤️❤️
Thank you so much dear! I will keep on for sure!
It was nice sir
Thank you so much dear!
Keep it up sir 🙏 well done 🥰
Thank you so much dear! I will keep it on for sure!
Keep going sir ❤️
Thank you so much!dear
Thank you sir for such good articles ❤️
Looking forward for the another one and more😊
Best wishes sir 🙏❣️
Thank you so much dear Rahul! I will write for sure!
Loved it sir ✌️
Best wishes ✨
Thank yo so much dear!
So much inspiring sir keep going sir👍👍😊😊😊
Thank you so much dear!
Ramro xa sir . Keep it up❤
Thank you so much dear!
You and your article both are best 👍💯 sir
Keep going 😍🥰😘
Thank you so much dear! Keep being best you too!
Awesome article sir 😍
Thank you dear sabin! Always be awesome!
Great one dada…
Thank you dear bhai! Always be great!!
Thanks a lot!
Inspiring article! Everyone should read and follow for better and happier life…
Thanks a lot!
Life saving writings…
Thanks a lot!
wow! life saving material
Thanks a lot!
well written.
Thank you so much!
Great insight!
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
Interesting as always Shreedhar Ji!!
Thank you Sagun Jee for the inspiration and warm comments!!
Loved it 😘😘